This training series will feature timely, challenging topics lead by subject matter experts, presented online in workshop format with opportunities to discuss scenarios, practice skills, and plan for your specific field projects and settings. This event is sponsored by UCOP Risk Services, UCLA BSAS GAEL, the UC Field Research Safety Center of Excellence, and the UC Field Safety Workgroup. Content is compiled and accessible to all via the UC Field Safety Leadership Training Library. Learn more about more about our resources by visiting the UC Field Research Safety Center of Excellence website or email fieldsafety@berkeley.edu.
Tuesday 02/11/25
11:00 am - 12:30 pm PST
Lorca Smetana,
Resilience Trainer
Tuesday 03/04/25
11:00am - 1:00pm
Social Field Safety Workshop
Choose one session:
Thursday 03/06/25
Wednesday 03/12/25
Thursday 03/13/25
11:00 am - 12:00 pm PST
De-escalation Workshop
Practical use of Risk Assessment Tools in the Field
Tuesday 03/18/25
11:00 am - 12:30 pm PST
Not Available
Assistant Diving and Boating Safety Officer,
UC Davis
Abbey Dias is an Assistant Diving and Boating Safety Officer for UC Davis based in Bodega Bay, California. Her experience as a student-turned-instructor of scientific diving and boating has allowed her to hone the skills and tools needed to successfully lead and train a variety of teams conducting global research. Abbey will use her most recent experience working on a research team in Antarctica to demonstrate implementation of risk assessment through productive conversations in the field.
Lorca Smetana knows about coming back stronger and richer inside after living through crisis. She was born into a mountaineering community and started early thinking about mortality and the choices that we make if life were to be short. At the age of sixteen she was a survivor of the Mt. Hood climbing tragedy that took the lives of nine students and teachers. The awareness of mortality and its impact on how we live our lives remain a powerful thread through her work.
Email Lorca Smetana
Field Inclusive, Inc
Field Inclusive strives to provide tangible and actionable improvements in the natural sciences by addressing social field safety issues related to equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. Learning and being aware of various social field safety issues that could arise for people who professionally work outdoors — but more specifically — for marginalized and historically excluded individuals is our goal. We believe all field researchers deserve and have a right to the tools necessary for success in their professional work. Website: https://www.fieldinclusive.org/
Joffe Emergency Services
Building resilient and ready workplaces that protect and prioritize people. We make communities safer. We provide security, safety, and medical support services to empower schools, event venues and organizers to confidently prevent and manage emergencies and save lives. De-escalation training will include a prerequisite “Best Practices” recorded training, followed by a one-hour live session that will walk participants through a full scenario relevant to outdoor field settings to practice these skills. Training will cover:
Phases of Acting Out Behavior
Types of Awareness
Recognizing Signs of Escalation
Maintaining Situational Awareness
Roles & Responsibilities
Additional Factors to Consider
Post-Incident Best Practices
Organization website: https://www.joffeemergencyservices.com
Meredith Palmer, Ph.D. and Sarah Hollis, B.A. from
Field Inclusive, Inc
Joffe Emergency Services
Abbey Dias
Not Available
Not Available
Coming Soon